Custom Manufacturing of Machining Steel Hydraulic Fixture for the Machine Shop Industry

Using our expertise and broad experience in CNC machining, Mahuta Tool custom manufactured this hydraulic fixture for a machine shop customer. The hydraulic fixture, machined from hot rolled steel, is now used to machine castings. Per the client's specifications, it was designed and manufactured to be mounted for castings with tight tolerance bores, and can be rotated 180° to machine bores on casting backsides.

In addition to our CNC machining services, we were also pleased to provide some support services, including taking over procurement responsibilities in the sourcing of hydraulic components, and providing assembly for all hydraulic plumbing. Mahuta Tool also painted the finished fixture grey, in a wet spray painting process. The final 40" x 24" x 36" fixture arrived at our client's facility within a 1 month turnaround time.

Contact Mahuta Tool online for a free quote or more information.